Tag: #sales

Challenging getting to executives at your client?

Sometimes executives at client organizations are elusive.  They filter who they choose to spend time with.  The question for you is…who can help you connect and how do you manage that relationship? Do not steamroll Administrative Support Whether the executives at your client are working in person or remote, they likely have someone helping them […]

College student interviewing for a job?

In my 1/14 post I shared some thoughts about what is fair/not fair to assume about college students who are interviewing.  A common concern I hear from college students is “I do not have actual experience in a sales role”.  Employers understand you may not have the actual sales experience, but are (should be) really […]

What I learned from helping college students

I have recently worked with many college student helping them prepare for interviews and getting off to a good start in new sales roles.  They are all bright, hard working and overall very impressive.  Early on, I had to eliminate expectations/ideas normally associated with experienced salespeople and found it was important to identify “where they […]

Onboarding new sales reps?

Onboarding new sales reps can be challenging, particularly if you are either in a small organization or have many other priorities to juggle.  In my first sales role I was sent to Dayton, OH for 3 weeks of training.  When I returned I was told to “go sell”…not the greatest way to start.  Here is […]