Pursuing business previously lost?

What opportunities almost closed in the past 1 – 2 years?  Excited to try again?  Business you lost can be a good source of potential opportunities.  Listen and learn before you proceed…

Figure out what has changed

How has your company and/or solution changed or improved?  What has changed at the client?

  • People
  • Goals
  • Challenges
  • ?

What is the current decision process?

Why did they select another solution the last time?  How did the decision process work?  Now, compared to your last pursuit, try to learn…

  • Steps in the current decision process
  • Who is involved in the decision
  • What is driving their interest now

Relationships with client contacts?

Key considerations…

  • Have you worked hard since the last pursuit of this business to build working relationships with key client contacts? 
  • What is the client’s view of the value you can provide?  How might it have improved?
  • Are you coming back in “cold” since the last attempt?

Go? / No Go?

Sometimes, what you should do is not immediately clear. If enough has changed, but you feel you are lacking key information, consider proceeding and re-evaluating once you are better informed.  The ideas above and others you surely have will help you make an informed decision! 

Feel free to contact me directly for ideas and/or help on this or other topics!

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