Clients will frequently want to know about pricing as early as possible. How you present your pricing can directly impact the rest of the conversation with the client. How to eliminate getting picked apart by clients…
Stay away from line item pricing
Line item pricing enables the client to question every line. This puts you in a tough spot…making it difficult for you to maintain control over pricing and/or scope modifications required to close the deal.

Focus on the solution as a whole – one total price
Taking this approach has several advantages:
- Eliminates you getting picked apart
- Keeps the conversation more simple
- Enables you to decide how you may want to modify scope or pricing in order to close the deal

Keep the conversation focused on value
You want the client to compare the value they will derive from your solution to the investment required vs. comparing your price to competitors. Providing a “solution based” price makes it easier to have a conversation with the client about value.
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