Customer delays decision, now what?

Most of the time (maybe not in all cases) you do NOT want to completely stop your pursuit and try to reconnect with the customer closer to their decision timeframe…this approach will not help your chance of closing a deal.  Thoughts on how to approach this situation…

Identify reason for delay

Connect with your “inside coach” (customer contact that is rooting for you and/or helping you) to gain insight on why the customer has delayed their decision.  There are many possibilities…

  • Other projects are higher priority
  • Funding no longer available
  • Change in management roles at customer
  • Competitor of yours made surprising offer at last minute 

Leverage the delay

Since you are not in control of when a customer makes a decision, look at the delay as an opportunity to gain valuable information, build important relationships and find additional opportunities.  How to proceed whether you were winning or not…

In the lead

  • Get guidance on how to maintain that position
  • Identify how you can provide value during the delay
  • Seek other opportunities at this customer

NOT in the lead

  • Identify why
  • Get guidance on who in the decision process is not favoring your solution
  • Use the time to improve your position

Stay close to the customer

You have invested time in this opportunity and likely have developed positive working relationships.  Continuing to invest in those working relationships many times provides a shorter path to closing deals than starting from scratch with another customer. 

Feel free to contact me directly for ideas and/or help on this or other topics!

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